A cycling community called SepedaSampaiTua (SESAT) held an event for folding bike lovers to introduce Boyolali district as a cycling tourist attraction, and Boyolali’s local government saw this as an opportunity.
PT. Solo Murni’s CEO with Boyolali chief, Seno Samodro, enliven the event by giving presents to Boyoseli’s winners. Boyolali's chief of youth, sport, and tourism office (DISPORAPAR). WiwisTrisiwiHandayani, interviewed in her office on Thursday (26/7) explained about this event, through this Boyseli 100K concept cycling with folding bike around Boyolali, the local government sees a potential of the event as a media to talk about tourism. With this concept, Boyseli 100K was opened the online registration on Wednesday (21/3) and had 700 participants.
Boyolali's local government uses this opportunity to make Boyolali as a famous place for cycling tourism.Boyseli( BoyolaliSepedaLipat) 100K held on Saturday (28/7) started from Alun-AlunKidulBoyolali and finished at the yard of Boyolali chief’s house. To finish, the participants had to go through the route that has been arranged.
There are some sub districts that the participants of Boyseli 100K had to go through, they were Musuk, which prepared with water station 1 at GajakRiman, and then the participants led to Madu Village, Mojosongo. (Diskominfo)