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Events & Promotion

Regularly Blood Donation

Thursday 30 August 2018
Regularly Blood Donation

     PT. Solo Murni has a routine blood donation every 3 months in cooperation with PMI (Indonesian Red Cross) in Boyolali District. This activity is held to maintain employee’s healthand PT Solo Murni also has a role to keep the bloodstock espescially in Boyolali’s PMI.


     WahyuRohadi as the coordinator of this event and also PT. Solo Murni  SPSI leader  said, “this activity has been running for years, and it became a routine agenda every 3 months in this company, the employees’s enthusiasm is amazing and it’s proven in every event. The goal to fill 100 blood bags is always fulfilled. This activity is to raise employee’s social awareness  for other people.

     Boyolali’s PMI as the event operator explained, “ the cooperation that has been built  all this long between PT Solo Murni and Boyolali’s PMI is very well done.  Not only routine events, but if PMI suddenly needs help for blood donation, the company is also very cooperative to help.

We really wish for the continuous cooperation in the future.